nursing management of iodine deficiency slideshare

14 ophthalmia neonatorum slideshare. => Vitamin K Deficiency - Acquired Coagulation Disorders => Complications of Anticoagulant Therapy . Iodine Deficiency. 32 Deficiencies of vitamin B 2, vitamin B 6, niacin, and folic acid usually are not seen in nursing infants, although supplemental amounts of these vitamins given to malnourished mothers will increase the levels found in human milk. Hypothyroidism Diet Plan Australia Hypothyroidism and diet - food can play a big part in managing your #thyroid #health #underactivethyroid Click To Tweet Iodine deficiency and diet According to the Thyroid Foundation , iodine deficiency is the most common cause of thyroid disorders worldwide. 7 References 8 . The thyroid produces two hormones, thyroxine (T4) and tri-Hypothyroidism and nursing care Nontoxic goiters have many etiologies, including the following: Iodine deficiency - Goiter formation occurs with moderately deficient iodine intake of less than 50 mcg/d. A short summary of this paper. Iodine Deficiency Disorders refer to a spectrum of health consequences resulting from inadequate intake of iodine. Production of . Symptoms of an iodine deficiency include an enlarged thyroid, fatigue, and sensitivity to the cold. nursing management of worm infestation slideshare 27 Jan. nursing management of worm infestation slideshare. Yu MB, BChir, in Brenner and Rector's The Kidney, 2020 Dietary Intake and Bioavailability. Iodine is an element that occurs naturally in the soil landmass as well as ocean waters on earth. Nursing Management. 4 Urinary iodine concentration (UIC) is an excellent proxy marker for current iodine intake and is a useful screening tool for iodine deficiency at a population level. But individual needs for iodine varies (Williams 157). A doctor can diagnose iodine deficiency through a urine or blood test and help you make a plan to raise your levels. Seizures slideshare Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. The primary activity of the thyroid gland is to concentrate iodine from the blood to make thyroid hormone. Medical Thyroxin supplementation • In patients with diffuse hyperplastic goiter for several months (0.1 to 0.2mg per day). Schools can be successfully involved for monitoring salt iodization at household level (15ppm) and urinary iodine level (mcg/L) Viral diseases, 2. Overstimulation causes the thyroid gland to swell. 420 The main . In the United States, it is difficult to find iodine deficiency, given the supplementation of table salt with iodine, iodine in cattle feed, and the use of iodine as a dough conditioner. Moreover, it is a vital trace mineral that is required by the human body, for performing various central roles including synthesis of thyroid hormones and preservation of brain functions. Consult immediately a health worker for all infants with feeding difficulties or with any condition (including oral thrush). The different etiologic mechanisms that can cause a goiter include the following: Iodine deficiency [ 5] Autoimmune thyroiditis - Hashimoto or postpartum thyroiditis. care providers or community service providers can do nutrition screening in health care facilities, during growth monitoring or home-based care, and during support group meetings. However, pregnant women continue to look after the household and other activities and remain moderately active throughout pregnancy. 7 Further resources 7 External websites. If you do not have enough iodine in your body, you cannot make enough thyroid hormone. Iodine-containing anti-asthmatic medications and expectorants are occasionally used. Pathophysiology. A population of school-age children should have a median urinary iodine concentration of at least . It is a typical type of hypothyroidism in iodine-sufficient areas, and can also cause inflammation of thyroid with enlarged goiter. Deficiency of iodine can cause physical and mental retardation, cretinism, abortions, stillbirth, deaf mutism, squint & various types of goiter. The adverse consequences of iodine deficiency lead to a wide spectrum of problems ranging from abortion and still birth to mental and physical retardation and deafness, which collectively known as Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDDs). Cretinism refers to severe hypothyroidism in an infant or child. As per the surveys conducted by the Directorate General of Health Services, Indian . The adverse consequences of iodine deficiency lead to a wide spectrum of problems ranging from abortion and still birth to mental and physical retardation and deafness, which collectively known as Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDDs). One of the most common causes of goiter formation worldwide is iodine deficiency. Source: Reference 7. These women weigh on average 43 kg prior to pregnancy and gain 6 kg during pregnancy. This chapter provides an overview of the disorders caused by iodine deficiency. PowerPoint is the world's most popular presentation software which can let you create professional Nutrition in pregnancy powerpoint presentation easily and in no time. The gland cannot make enough thyroid hormone if it does not have enough iodine. The TRH stimulation test is useful in con-firming states of thyrotoxicosis, as it tests the response to elevated TRH. Iodine is an element that is needed for the production of thyroid hormone. nursing management of worm infestation slideshare nursing management of worm infestation slideshare. Thus, iodine deficiency can lead to . 26. Clinically a combination of AIT1 and 2 often occurs. A global WHO study (2003) demonstrated iodine deficiency affects 1.9 billion people worldwide. 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 Telephone: (301) 427-1364 . o Resurvey after every 5 years to assess the extent of Iodine Deficiency Disorders and the impact of lodated salt. Nursing care of a child with congenital hypothyroidism include the following: Nursing Assessment. The iodine requirements of lactating women nearly double those of healthy adult women, as in addition to meeting maternal requirements, iodine levels must guarantee that the baby receives sufficient iodine from the milk to synthesise thyroid hormones. There is no increase in dietary intake during pregnancy. National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Program o Surveys to assess the magnitude of the Iodine Deficiency Disorders. Iodine Alan S.L. Vol1. Iodine Deficiency Disorder. Management 6 Patient support. TSH then acts directly on the . Iodine is an essential micronutrient required daily at 100-150 micrograms for normal human growth and development. Supply of iodated salt in place of common salt. Elaine coker larussa Amanda Perkins, MSN, DNP, is a DNP-prepared registered nurse with a focus in Iodine is an essential micronutrient required daily at 100-150 micrograms for normal human growth and development. There is a wide variation in estimated oral intake of oxalate, ranging from 50 to 1000 mg/day. It may result in metabolic problems such as goiter, sometimes as an endemic goiter as well as cretinism due to untreated congenital hypothyroidism, which results in developmental delays and other health problems. However, iodine intake has dropped during the past few decades. It has two lobes, giving it a butterfly shape. o Resurvey after every 5 years to assess the extent of Iodine Deficiency Disorders and the impact of lodated salt. If a patient is suffering from the condition of hypothyroidism then it is important to do proper medical management on the part of the nursing team attending the patient. The Natural Thyroid Diet. Nursing care plan for hypothyroidism patient. o Supply of iodated salt in place of common salt. Neelesh Maurya. The hypothalamus of the brain secretes TRH thyroid releasing hormone which acts on the pituitary gland and initiates the release of TSH or thyroid stimulating hormone. Whilst iodine deficiency is most commonly assessed by goitre, this is as much an indicator as the primary disorder. 4.2 Management of severe malnutrition 37 4.3 Control of micronutrient malnutrition 38 4.3.1 Iodine deficiency disorders 38 4.3.2 Vitamin A deficiency 39 4.3.3 Iron deficiency and anaemia 40 4.3.4 Folate deficiency 41 4.4 Prevention and management of obesity 41 4.5 Promoting sound infant and young child feeding practices 42 Contents Iodine deficiency is a major public health problem for populations throughout the world, particularly for the pregnant women and young children. 2. Can be from iodine deficiency Doctors will check for large nodules Can be seen with both hyperthyroidism and . Thyroid disease poses a substantial challenge on the physiology of pregnant women and has significant maternal and fetal implications. Population effects of severe iodine deficiency, termed iodine deficiency disorders (IDDs), include endemic goiter, hypothyroidism, cretinism, decreased fertility rate, increased infant mortality, and mental retardation. Prevention and Management Avoid radiation treatments or exposure if able Caution with certain medications . of radioactive iodine, usually iodine 123. 2. Monitor quality of iodized salt in the market. treatment, and nursing care. AIT—more common in iodine deficient (12%) compared with sufficient areas (2%). A lack of iodine in the diet can lead to Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD), which can cause miscarriages, stillbirths, brain disorders, and retarded psychomotor development, speech and hearing impairments, and depleted levels of energy in children. In LMICs, the evidence is still being established, but research, including a recent systematic review and meta-analysis of large-scale food fortification (LSFF) programs, confirmed the impact of fortification on nutritional outcomes including reductions in vitamin A deficiency, iodine deficiency, anemia, and iron deficiency among women and . It is a threat to the social and economic development of countries. is unable to produce thyroid hormones because of iodine deficiency (iodine is a vital component of . Deficiency of iodine can cause physical and mental retardation, cretinism, abortions, stillbirth, deaf mutism, squint & various types of goiter. Causes. Severe iodine deficiency associated with intake of less than 25 mcg/d is associated with hypothyroidism and cretinism. Iodine is found in various foods (see Table 1). About the thyroid The thyroid's main job is as master regulator of metabolism. 29/10/20 26 Nursing management In hypothyroidism, most patients will present with the following nursing problems: 1. Iodine deficiency. While this was a very frequent cause of goiter in the United States many years ago, it is no longer commonly observed. If it develops, however, it can be treated with iodine supplementation and dietary modifications. 7th edition. As per the surveys conducted by the Directorate General of Health Services, Indian . Thus, iodine deficiency can lead to . This is classically the result of maternal iodine deficiency, and thankfully is increasingly rare. Research shows during pregnancy, the size of the thyroid gland increases by 10% in countries with adequate iodine stores and by approximately 20% to 40% in countries with . Methods: This is a literature review on ethical issues in maternal and child health nursing, challenges faced by maternal and child health … B Presented in an easy-to-use topic and outline format, the Core Curriculum for Medical-Surgical Nursing is your go-to guide for medical-surgical nursing, best practices, and exam . The important objectives and components of National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programme (NIDDCP) are as follows:- Surveys to assess the magnitude of the Iodine Deficiency Disorders. Iodine deficiency has been considered rare in the United States since the 1920s, largely due to the widespread use of iodized salt. . Thyroid disease is the second most common endocrine disorder after diabetes in pregnancy. The thy-roid radioactive iodine uptake is the most common direct assay; the range for normal is wide, between 10 and 30 percent uptake of the administered dose. case management); and o utpatient therapeutic care during community-based management of Acute Malnutrition. Exclusive breastfeeding (infants 0-6 months). The disorders affect not only the individual but entire communities. This is a common pathology, frequently found in clinical practice during a physical or ultrasound examination. in size during pregnancy in iodine-replete countries and by 20%-40% in areas of iodine deficiency. Iodine deficiency is a lack of the trace element iodine, an essential nutrient in the diet. Other available tests Twenty-nine percent of the world's population, living in approximately 130 countries, is estimated to live in areas of deficiency (see image below). Nutritional care of sick & malnourished children Control of vitamin A deficiency Control of anemia Control of iodine deficiency disorders Women's nutrition during pregnancy and lactation Essential nutrition actions for HIV-negative or unknown status pregnant/lactating women and their children Early initiation of breastfeeding within one hour Chapter - 2 National Nutrition Programmes in India Authors Neelesh Kumar Maurya Institute of Home Science, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh . Osteoporosis is classified as a metabolic bone disorder. Chapter -2 National Nutrition Programmes in India. submitted to, submitted by, mrs shreemini pillai ms shraddha mire reader msc nursing 1st yr medical surgical nsg. It. (3) Selenium-rich foods include eggs, fish, chicken, turkey, Brazil nuts, and beans. Vitamin D and calcium. Activity intolerance related to fatigue and depressed cognitive process 2. Ineffective breathing pattern related to imbalance between demand and supply/depressed . Treatment and prevention of simple goiter Dietary • Iodine supplementation in iodine deficient areas, food iodine fortification is one of the best preventive measures of goiters. Iodine Deficiency Disorders refer to a spectrum of health consequences resulting from inadequate intake of iodine. Vitamin B 1 supplementation provides prompt resolution. The appropriate messages and services are also integrated to the greatest extent possible into programs Iodine Deficiency. Resurvey after every 5 years to assess the extent of Iodine Deficiency . In areas of severe iodine deficiency, iodine supplementation of mothers prior to conception or in early pregnancy results in children with improved cognitive performance relative to children of mothers given a placebo 86— Iodine deficiency often occurs in clusters, 3 Iodine deficiency is the most common cause of hypothyroidism worldwide, but it is rare in the U.S. according to the ATA (2003 at 6). All lactating mothers are encouraged by a trained service provider to: Increase the frequency of breastfeeding during and after illness to limit the weight loss and speed recovery. [] This occurs primarily in mountainous regions such as the Himalayas, the European Alps, and the Andes, where iodine has been washed away by glaciation and flooding. National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Progr. All neonates should undergo prophylaxis for ophthalmia neonatorum with silver nitrate (1%) aqueous solution in both eyes once or erythromycin (0.5%) ophthalmic ointment in both eyes once. National Nutrition Programme s in India. pg college of… The best method of treating iodine deficiency is avoiding it in the first place. Access Free Lemone Medical Surgical Nursing surgery, partly because they don't know about other options. worldwide is iodine deficiency. Abstract. Dietary oxalate contributes significantly to urinary oxalate excretion. India is the second rank in population and developing in the world. 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. While this was a very frequent cause of goiter in the United States many years ago, it is no longer commonly observed. Iodine is an element that is needed for the production of thyroid hormone. Colloid goitre is defined as thyroid enlargement without accompanying disturbance in thyroid function. In central Africa, where iodine deficiency occurs along with excess dietary cyanate from cassava (Manihot esculenta), as many as 10% of newborns may have both low cord blood T4 concentration and TSH concentrations over 100 mU/L. National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Program o Surveys to assess the magnitude of the Iodine Deficiency Disorders. 33 The vitamin C content of human milk can be raised by . The most devastating outcomes of iodine deficiency are increased perinatal mortality and mental retardation. Endocrine Disorders. Iodine excess - Goiter formation due to iodine excess is . The remainder - distributed throughout other tissues, like mammary, salivary, gastric glands and in the kidneys . The dry skin of the patient is consistent with the hypothyroidism condition. Dairy products, eggs, seafood, seaweed, some meats, and some breads are also dietary sources of iodine. They'll give your presentations a professional, memorable appearance - the kind of sophisticated look that today's audiences expect. Iodine deficiency Iodine is an important micronutrient. The swelling on the neck could be a goitre which results from a lack of iodine in the thyroid gland. 2.6.1 Iodine deficiency disorders 13 2.6.2 Vitamin A deficiency 14 2.6.3 Iron deficiency and anaemia 16 2.6.4 Other micronutrient deficiencies 17 2.7 Overweight and obesity 18 2.8 Diet and cancer 20 2.9 Nutrition in transition: globalization and its impact on nutrition patterns and diet related-diseases 21 3 complementarities in programme . This helps you give your presentation on Nutrition in pregnancy in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations.. Maternal thyroid changes are substantial, and normally altered gland structure and function are sometimes confused with thyroid abnormalities. Moreover, selenium is found to play a role in preventing thyroid disease. This swelling could also be a result of hyperthyroidism whereby the thyroid gland secretes too much thyroid hormone . It's located in the front of the neck, below the larynx and in front of the trachea. The RDA for iodine is 150 mcg per day according to the US National Research Council (Norman and Litwack 170). A population of school-age children should have a median urinary iodine concentration of at least . 1. Other ways to take care of you during treatment Get regular exercise Dietary iodine deficiency is the main risk factor for the development of toxic thyroid adenomas. In the body - minute amount (normally 20-30 mg) . First, maternal serum concentrations of . AIT1 results from iodine excess and AIT2 is a destructive thyroiditis. Neelesh Maurya. Therapeutic zinc supplements for diarrhea management 6. The objective of medical management is to restore the normal metabolic state of the body by adequately replacing a missing hormone. Congenital iodine deficiency syndrome: a complication of congenital hypothyroidism that manifests leads to an impaired development of the brain and skeleton, resulting in skeletal abnormalities (e.g., short stature and delayed fontanelle closure) and intellectual disabilities [8] Treatment and Nursing Management of Hyperthyroidism Antithyroid drugs Mild sedatives and beta-adrenergic blocking agents to control tremor, temp elevation, restlessness, and tachycardia Ablation therapy with iodine (131 I) is definitive treatment If nursing women, may disable infant's thyroid gland Caregivers need to take radioactive . Surgical nursing clinical management for positive outcomes. Multiple micronutrient powders 7. Saunders; India . READ PAPER. The mean birth weight of infants is 2.7 kg. Severe iodine deficiency results in impaired thyroid hormone synthesis and/or thyroid enlargement (goiter). Thus the term "Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD)" introduced by Dr. Hetzel (Hetzel, 1983) has now become accepted. Correct iodine deficiency and avoid dietary or iatrogenic goitrogens if practical. access the National Institute for Healthand Care Excellence ( NICE) clinical knowledge summaries (CKS) Hyperthyroidism - Definition. Garber JR, Cobin RH, Gharib H . Iron-folic acid supplements for pregnant women to prevent and treat anemia 9. Iodine deficiency has re-emerged in Australia over recent decades. AIH—amiodarone induced hypothyroidism is more common in iodine replete (13%) compared with iodine deficient areas (6%). This, along with fish, dairy, and grains, is a major source of iodine in the standard American diet. Iodine is found in various foods (see Table 1). Iodine - essential trace element. The primary activity of the thyroid gland is to concentrate iodine from the blood to make thyroid hormone. It also causes bones to become weak and brittle — so brittle that a fall or even mild stresses such as bending over or coughing can cause a fracture. Extensively referenced, it includes data on dietary sources of iodine, goitrogens, the effects of iodine deficiency throughout the lifecycle, the pathophysiology of iodine deficiency, as well as strategies for control and monitoring of the iodine deficiency disorders, such as iodized salt and iodized oil. Posted at 18:32h in cheap prefab homes washington state by lean definition six sigma. => Endemic (Iodine-Deficient) Goiter - Management of Patients With Thyroid Disorders => Nodular Goiter . The body does not make iodine, so it is an essential part of your diet. These alterations are discussed in detail in Chapter 4 (p. 68 ), and normal hormone level values are found in the Appendix ( p. 1290 ). Constipation related to depressed gastrointestinal function 3. It occurs when the creation of new bone doesn't keep up with the removal of old bone. Border and inland monitoring using Titration to assess the adequacy of iodized salt and Rapid Test Kits to assess the presence of iodine. Colloid goitre has been classified as nontoxic goitre according to the updated International Classification of Diseases (Table 1).1 Colloid goitre is also known as endemic goitre . Iodine: Functions, Food Sources, Deficiency And Toxicity. Worldwide, the soil in large geographic areas is deficient in iodine. Radha Kushwaha. 5,6 However, day-to-day variations in UIC preclude the use of UIC as a diagnostic tool to assess the iodine nutritional status of an . Hypothyroidism and low levels of the thyroid hormones can occur if there is a deficiency of iodine for thyroid or thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). Calcium and vitamin D levels need to be optimized due to the detrimental effects of hyperthyroidism on the bones. Simple nutrition screening can include checking for bilateral pitting edema, measuring weight and mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC), and asking about Hashimoto's disease is a form of autoimmune disease that destroys thyroid cells by cell and antibody-mediated immune processes (Hashimoto Disease, 2019). The body does not make iodine, so it is an essential part of your diet. Excess iodine (Wolff-Chaikoff effect) [ 12] or lithium ingestion, which decrease release of thyroid hormone. Winner of the Standing Ovation Award for "Best PowerPoint Templates" from Presentations Magazine. 80% (15 milligrams in adult) of the iodine -in the thyroid gland for the synthesis of several thyroid hormones. World's Best PowerPoint Templates - CrystalGraphics offers more PowerPoint templates than anyone else in the world, with over 4 million to choose from. Gonorrhea infections do not cause vaginitis, but other concomitant infections may produce vaginal findings. The uploader spent his/her valuable time to . Iodine deficiency occurs when someone does not consume enough iodine-rich foods like seafood or iodized salt.

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nursing management of iodine deficiency slideshare