cropping intensity example

All sites were under conventionally tilled, This pattern claimed about one-thirds of the . It can be expressed as. Common examples of alley cropping plantings include wheat, corn, soybeans or hay planted in between rows of black walnut or pecan trees. In Egypt, cropping intensity nearly doubled in farmer-managed irrigation systems, . However, agricultural intensification (e.g., increasing cropping intensity) has associated environmental conse- Low intensity of labour: Emphasis on mono-cropping's: Low production per unit of land: Huge surplus: Is Extensive farming sustainable? Answer (1 of 2): Crop Density is just the number of plants within a given sample unit area or say per metre square. Results and Discussion This chapter deals mainly with the findings of the present study i.e. For example field preparation after rice is difficult, it is mainly because soil structure is destroyed during puddling. Cropping intensity gap Potential cropping intensity Actual cropping intensity Harvest area gap ABSTRACT To feed the world's growing population, more food needs to be produced using currently available cropland. Wheat, summer crop, fallow rota-tion (two crops in 3 years) 2. farm structure, cropping pattern, investment on farm, cropping intensity, cost of cultivation, measures of costs and farm incomes, regression analysis, marginal value productivities, extent of For example, a water intense deep -rooted crop would be put on soil that was left relatively moist by the previous low-water intensity crop Intercropping includes companion cropping, Multi-storied cropping, synergetic cropping. sample size. The index levels in the more labor intensive locales in Southeast Asia do not . Crop intensification technique includes intercropping, relay cropping, sequential cropping, ratoon cropping, etc. Contextual translation of "cropping intensity" into Hindi. If for example the 75,000 acres is the cropped area during Rabi out of total command area of 100,000 acres, then CI for Rabi To achieve this, the spatio-temporal dynamics of cropping intensity are essential information for agricultural production. The plots were cultivated to maize-cassava intercrop every year (100% cropping intensity), after 2 years of fallow (33% cropping intensity) and after 3 years of fallow (25% cropping intensity). It can be expressed as. Increasing cropping intensity is an efficient and promising way to pro-mote global crop production without converting more lands for agricul-ture (Atkinson et al., 2012). It is (Gross cropped area / Net sown area) x 100). Specific examples of the effects of multiple cropping systems on resource use, conserva-tion, and management are discussed, Variables considered include microclimate, light, soil, water, pests, diseases, weeds, crop interac-tions, space, and time. There are 605 field-plot locations where data on crop type, cropping intensity, water source (irrigated versus rainfed), and a number of other parameters (e.g., crop planting dates and harvest dates) were collected with sample NDVI signatures of rice-growing areas (irrigated-GW-rice-rice- rice-LS, irrigated-GW-rice-fallow-rice-LS, and . brief video on cropping intensity calculation with examples Thus, cropping intensity in space dimension is achieved. Sustainable farming is about understanding and respecting the ecosystem as much as possible. Double cropping a row crop fol-lowing winter wheat (two crops in 1 year) Increased cropping intensity can be What is cropping intensity? Unfortunately, data are not available to produce estimates by crop. factors that influence the farm profits. Frequent rain interference the land preparation. weather risk on cropping intensity in short- and long- runs. Results and Discussion This chapter deals mainly with the findings of the present study i.e. Although only a slight trend of increased arthropods with cropping intensity was observed, we acknowledge that our single time-point sampling does not capture the high seasonal and annual variability in macrofauna populations (Berg & Bengtsson, 2007; Doblas-Miranda, Sánchez-Piñero, & González-Megías, 2007). As a key input variable to many global climates, land surfaces and crop models, cropping intensity (CI) accurately assesses and predicts crops' output, in view of the global decline in food. . Cropping intensity can also be measured as the number of harvests and referred to as the multiple cropping index (e.g. It thus indicates the additional percentage share of the area sown more than once to NSA. The intensity of cropping, therefore, refers to raising a number of crops from the same field during one agricultural year. Cropping Intensity is how much yield can be obtained from a certain amount of land. When it comes to popular crops used for monocropping, corn, soybeans, and wheat are three common crops often grown using . In such cases, estimates of . However, because of high rates of extraction, aquifers are rapidly becoming depleted across much of India, with the northwest and south predicted to have critically low groundwater availability by 2025 (fig. crops. It is, therefore, essential to assess the land use pattern and productivity under such cropping systems. Cropping frequency is a hard division of crop pattern that can lead to much information loss. Cropping Intensity is how much yield can be obtained from a certain amount of land. Order all pairs by runoff formation per hydrological year 3. Abstract. For example, village papers are not prepared for the forest areas but the magnitude of such area is known. An example of four endmembers (rice cropping patterns) Rice cropping systems Classification results 2002 selected from the 2002 filtered NDVI data shows that a single Single Double Triple crop Total crop rain-fed rice pattern (Fig. Irrigation helps raise the cropping intensity by enabling raising, of crops during the dry season also. 3 ( a) Validation sample distribution in 2001, for example; ( b) proportions. Cropping Systems : Cropping systems, an important component of a farming system, represents a cropping pattern used on a farm and their interaction with farm resources, other farm . For small farmers, the intensity declined from 174 in 1988 to 163 in 2004; for large farmers, the index moved down from 169 to 139, respectively. Examples include: 1. Crop rotation planning factors to consider include: 1. Cropping intensity and arable land The cropping intensity is the fraction of the arable area that is harvested. Previous studies have mainly focused on investigating the spatiotemporal patterns of CI ranging from regions to the entire globe with . As a key input variable to many global climates, land surfaces and crop models, cropping intensity (CI) accurately assesses and predicts crops' output, in view of the global decline in food production in recent years due to declining natural resources, urban expansion and declining quality of arable land. Example: In the given figure, if we see the area of Maharashtra we have cotton as the base crop, but jowar is also grown in Maharashtra on large scale, hence jowar is an alternative crop in Maharashtra making cotton-jowar as the cropping pattern. The global distribution of cropping intensity (CI) is essential to our understanding of agricultural land use management on Earth. High intensity cropping needs application of very high input levels and a slight mistake may lead to severe losses. In global studies these measures are aggregated to an average . The cropping intensity of different size group of farms, which was found highest on marginal farms (221.22 per cent) followed by small (202.47 per cent), medium (190.17 per cent), and large farms (182.48 per cent), respectively. 2) Due to prevent crop field may be in condition. The global distribution of cropping intensity (CI) is essential to our understanding of agricultural land use management on Earth. From the table- 4 it may be noted that the highest In addition to yield increase, increasing cropping intensity may provide another promising opportunity to boost global crop production. • Hence, an assessment of impact of credit on cropping pattern and cropping . However, existing methods are usually based on machine learning and are highly reliant on training samples. Cropping intensity is defined as a ratio be­tween net sown area (NSA) and gross cropped area (GCA). . Examples/Types of Sequential cropping. Multiple cropping which include both inter and sequential cropping has the main objective of intensification of cropping with the available resources in a given environment. Abstract. cropping intensity on Pulse growing sample farms in Azamgarh District of Uttar Pradesh India Rajeev Singh, Gyan Prakash Singh, Prince Kumar, Harendra Pratap Singh Choudhari, Tushar Raghuvanshi, Chandan Singh and Vivek Yadav Abstract Pulses are important with the view of their food and nutritional security and also income and employment . cropping intensity Examples Stem Match all exact any words (fe) Strengthening farmers' capacities so as to improve crop intensity, land cultivation, production, harvesting and storage systems; UN-2 In the long run, the scheme is expected to address farmer migration and improve crop intensity. It is not only the size of the owned land but other important factors such as subsistence pressure, infrastructural facilities, information base and marketing opportunities. EurLex-2 — Drip irrigation for intensive cropping systems (row crops). Previous studies have mainly focused on investigating the spatiotemporal patterns of CI ranging from regions to the entire globe with . It ensures crop protection and availability of nutrients to the crops. sample data, the annual cropping intensity maps for the study areas had overall accuracy rates of 89-99%, with Kappa coefficients of 0.76-0.91. • the adoption Df new technology is, itself affected by the availability, of cre:14t. Specifically, Figure 3, Figure 4, Table 1a, and Table 1b have been replaced. Examples Stem. Optical remote sensing has revolutionized our ability to map CI over large areas in a repeated and cost-efficient manner. This increase in cropping intensity is credited for much of the food production gains achieved over the past 50 years across India. On the other . The yeild can vary greatly depending on the crop. pmindia 9. In the high irrigated area the cropping intensity is found high and in the low irrigated areacropping intensity is found low. Intensification occurs in systems with multiple harvests of the same crop, for example in some Asian rice-based systems, while other systems are more diverse with different types of crops grown at the same time or in a sequence and interacting with each other. For example, we might expect . in Estel et al., 2016), for example as identified from time series of vegetation indices in remote sensing studies. pairs of runoff and cropping intensity. Separately, the OAs of GCI ranged from 87.92% (2018) to 89.97% (2009), while the OAs of MCN ranged from 84.04% (2018) to 86.76% (2015); these values show the better accuracy of our new global cropping intensity dataset. Under this situation, cropping intensity is 200 percent. An examination of the cropping pattern and cropping intensity by irrigation status would provide another dimension to the issue under discussion. This article focussed on the present status of irrigation and cropping pattern on block basis in the Uttar Dinajpur district, in West Bengal, India. Most of the existing studies have defined cropping intensity as cropping frequency (single cropping or double cropping, etc.) Cropping pattern is influenced by a host of factors. Cropping intensity is higher in intensive cropping system. There are relatively few studies on automatic change detection of cropping intensity. Intoduction to Increasing Crop with Sentence Examples. 4a) increased NDVI intensity crop crop irrigated after the crop was transplanted, around day of year (DOY) rain . Cropping intensity refers to raising of a number of crops in the same field during one agriculture year. In recent decades, there have been substantial increases in crop production in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) as a result of higher yields, increased cropping intensity, expansion of irrigated cropping systems, and rainfed cropland expansion. The cropping patterns are affected by changes in agrarian policy, availability of agricultural inputs, improvement in technology. Cropping Intensity = Gross Cropped Area / Net Sown Area x 100 Gross sown area is the cumulative area (sown more than once) which was cultivated within a year by various crops. The use of spring cropping in combination with no-till sowing would appear to offer the best approach for increasing cropping intensity, improving soil quality, and controlling erosion in the conventional fallow areas (Papendick, 1998). Monocropping is the agricultural practice of growing a single crop year after year on the same land, in the absence of rotation through other crops or growing multiple crops on the same land, which is known as polyculture. We observe that the dominant cropping pattern in the 1980s was production of paddy followed by keeping the land fallow. For e.g. For example, inferences from 1 Weather risk in this study is measured by variability in rainfall, a major source of weather risk. farms, for example, are now comparatively mechanized, occupying 42 per-cent of the labor force, compared with 70 percent for Southeast Asia'as a whole. Apply these steps 1 + 2 for cropping intensity summarized for • The entire catchment • Irrigation zones • 10km*10km grids That is to say, there are 222 statistical intervals from 31.45°N to 42.55°N and the distribution frequency of Single Cropping System or Double Cropping System per 0.05°N was relatively small; the sum of distribution frequency for Single Cropping System or Double Cropping System on the latitude scale from 31.45°N to 42.55°N was 100%. Tillage Intensity and Conservation Cropping in the United States . Similarly, although decreased over time, there are wide interstate differences in irrigation intensity vis-à-vis agricultural intensification and crop diversification. July 23 rd 2019 CROPPING PATTERN BY IRRIGATION STATUS. For example, West Bengal has cropping intensity as high as Punjab, but crop diversity is very low in the state. It is the amount of production per acre farmed over an extended period. Therefore, only country average intensities can be used. cropping intensity on Lentil growing sample farms in Lakhimpur (Kheri) district of Uttar Pradesh, India Uma Shankar, GP Singh, Riyaz Ahmad, Vikas Singh Sengar, Kamal Kishore and Baijnath Chaudhary Abstract Lentil is an important crop with the view of food and nutritional value and income & employment generation ability, possibility to raise the . For example, growing Lablab bean + Mustard in 4:1 ration i.e. Similarly in the eastern states of Bengal, Assam, Orissa, rice is the base crop but jute and tea . Cropping Intensity = Gross Cropped Area / Net Sown Area x 100. Look if the ranks of these value pairs correlate (Spearman's rank correlation) 4. Optical remote sensing has revolutionized our ability to map CI over large areas in a repeated and cost-efficient manner. farm structure, cropping pattern, investment on farm, cropping intensity, cost of cultivation, measures of costs and farm incomes, regression analysis, marginal value productivities, extent of They are: Double cropping: growing two crops per year in sequence, for instance, rice followed by wheat or potato or mustard; maize followed by groundnut; wheat followed by cotton. For example, in the maize crop system, maize is the dominant crop which is grown in association with other crops. The index of cropping intensity is 100 if one crop has been grown in a year and it is 200 if two crops are raised. 2. Crop type and duration on the soil. Each experimental plot crosses a topographical gradient and includes a summit, sideslope, and toeslope position. [4,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15] or MCI (multiple crop indexes) [16,17,18,19,20,21,22]. The effect of cropping intensity on surface cast production by earthworms was studied more than 4 years in an alley cropping system. Wheat fallow rotation (one crop in 2 years) 3. . It is very important for the UPSC CSE/. Cropping intensity refers to raising of a number of crops from the same field during one agricultural year; it can be expressed through a formula. For example, cropping intensity maps indicate how many crops have been cultivated within a year Xiang et al., 2019; Yan et al., 2019), yet they largely ignored the varied crop types. Cropping pattern and cropping intensity, inter cilia,- are theiniportant . The overall accuracy of the annual cropping intensity maps was 93%, with a Kappa coefficient of 0.84. Multiple Cropping Index or Multiple Cropping Intensity (MCI): It is the ratio of total area cropped in a year to the land area available for cultivation and expressed in %. Conforming changes These cropping intensity maps can also be used to enable identification of various crop Enhancing cropping intensity is one strategy for increasing crop productivity. Irrigation: Irrigation has played an important role in raising the cropping intensity in northern states where it has risen considerably. effects of cropping intensity and topography on productivity and soil properties in no-till dryland farming systems of the High Plains of Colorado. Thus, the cropping patterns are beneficial in improving the fertility of the soil, thereby, increasing the yield of the crops. Hence, research on CI mapping can have a contribution to solve this problem . Going to multiple speakers deeply involved but if oxygen for example of multiple cropping intensity. The cropping intensity has direct correla­tion . Also there are tracts in many States for which no village paper exists. Yet, to date much of the research focus of the impact of climate change on crop production in the coming decades has been on crop yield responses. Four types of sequential cropping are generally practiced. Cast production was assessed by the continuous sampling technique . Another example is that doubling the cropping intensity increases production without changing either the planted area or yield. Higher the index, greater is the efficiency of land use. The crop system is a subsystem of cropping system. It is defined as relative land area under sole cropping to produce the yield from one hectare in intercropping. Recent government policy has been to increase the level of local rice production and this, turmeric, and Sanford. The yeild can vary greatly depending on the crop . It may be measured by the formula-gross cropped area/net sown area x 100. Cropping Intensity = Gross Cropped Area / Net Sown Area x 100 Thus, higher cropping intensity means that a higher proportion of the net sown area is being cropped more than once during one agricultural year. Cropping intensity refers to raising of a number of crops in the same field during one agriculture year. For instance, if a farmer owns 5acre land and he takes two crops per year, one kharif and one rabi. S1 . Fig. For example cropping intensity may be 5 kgs per metre squared. It is used both in greenhouses and open fields, particularly in intensive crop systems. India has the largest acreage of land under irrigation. Thus, the impact of irrigation and crop diversification on . Cropping systems with intermediate water intensity will also alternate between low water intensity crops and high water intensity crops. was reposted to correct for coding errors that resulted in the miscalculation of some estimates for conservation cropping, cover crops, and other practices that affect crop residue. cropping intensity. Cropping intensity refers to raising of several crops from the same field during one agricultural year; it can be expressed through a formula. after every 4 rows of Lablab bean, 1 row of Mustard is sown. Intensive farming is about increasing the yield and production of the land. Various measures to raise cropping intensity are discussed below: 1. Cropping Intensity : It is the ratio of Net Area Sown to the Total Cropped Area. if a farmer has 100 ha area of land and in the kharif season, he cultivated 90 ha of area and in Rabi 40 ha area and in Zaid 10 ha of area. The overall average of cropping intensity on sample farms was worked out to 192.55 percent. However, research with spring crops, and in particular with no-till in the dry areas of the inland Pacific . Hovever,, ,. Based on field-scale sample data, the annual cropping intensity maps for the study areas had overall accuracy rates of 89-99%, with Kappa coefficients of 0.76-0.91. Mapping cropping intensity of smallholder farms: A comparison of methods using multiple sensors Meha Jain a,⁎, Pinki Mondal a, Ruth S. DeFries a, Christopher Small b, Gillian L. Galford a,c a Department of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, USA b Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades, NY 10964, USA in Zuo et al., 2014) or cropping frequency (e.g. Types . Human translations with examples: तीव्रता, तीव्रता, तीव्रता . Sequence and double cropping increase cropping intensity, but intercropping may also be an effective technique for improving productivity per unit area. 31.3 Assessment of land use and productivity in high intensity cropping programme. Match all exact any words . Studies addressing some elements of these issues are beginning to emerge (Cohn et al 2016 , Lesk et al 2016 , Rezaei et al 2021 ). This lesson starts with a discussion on Cropping Intensity & Crop Rotation | This is for UPSC CSE by Kinjal Choudhary. Mapping paddy rice fields and cropping intensity using google earth engine Miao Zhang, Xin Zhang, Bingfang Wu, Hongwei Zeng, FuyouTian, Chong Liu Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Cropping intensity (CI) is an index of single or double cropping. On the other hand, table-4 presents two variable linear regression results showing the relation between Certain-irrigated areas as a percentage of GCA and Cropping Intensity of the respondent farmers of different size groups in the sample villages taking all villages together. sample size. -Studies in the past attempted to evaluate the impact of new farm technology on these two variables. It is (Gross cropped area / Net sown area) x 100). 1) The time available for seedbed preparation is less in high intensity cropping system. The special case of For example cropping intensity may be 5 kgs per metre squared. Figure 3 is an example of samples obtained in 2001 and all cropping intensity value statistics from 2001 to 2019. Currently, the main goal of agriculture is to support the achievement of food security in a sustainable way through the improvement of use efficiency of farm resources, increasing crop yield and quality, under climate change conditions. 2. The cropping intensity may exceed 100% where more than one crop is harvested each year. Yet the cropping intensity in Taiwan is far greater than in any part of Southeast Asia, about 175 (Chao, 1975). Cropping intensity is defined as the seasonal area cropped divided by the command area. In this pilot study, we report annual cropping intensity maps for 2017 at 30-m spatial resolution over seven study areas selected according to agro-climatic zones in China.

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cropping intensity example